Detoxing Foot Soak
Sit back and relax while the process of Ionization draws the toxins and impurities out through the 4000 pores in your feet.
Ionized Detoxing Foot Soak
Draw the toxins & impurities out of your body through ionization. Relieves pain & tension, improves sleep, balances PH levels, rejuvenates & energizes, and can assist in weight loss.
Can help with detoxification, pain relief, tension, sleep and PH levels, rejuvenates, energizes, and can assist with weight loss.
Adako Foot Massager- 15$ add on for the foot detox
This is a 15 min foot massager that mimics a real reflexology and shiatsu massage. This can increase the effectiveness of the foot detox by 15%, helps with tired, achy feet, and releases endorphins for energy.
a great add on for the foot detox.